By dan

The Red Cross had unrestricted access each month to every German concentration camp including Auschwitz. They had inside men who reported to them in detail the activities at the camps.
In a Nov. 22, 1944 letter to U.S. State Department officials, the Red Cross said: “We had not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners. This corroborates a report which we had already received from other sources …”
The Germans captured 150,000 British soldiers. 150 of those men were engineers who worked at Auschwitz-Birkenau to maintain the manufacturing plants that processed Silesian coal to make gasoline for the German Army. The Germans were using a coal gasification formula developed in 1915 in Russia. These 150 men obviously had daily access throughout the camps but to date neither a Nuremberg prosecutor nor a Holohoax researcher has cited their testimony. I wonder why.
Evidence of Nazis making soap and lampshades from Jews used to convict Germans at Nuremberg has been withdrawn from the Holohoax museums at Auschwitz and Jerusalem.
Dr. Charles Larson headed a team of forensic pathologists sent into the camps at the end of the war to document war crimes. They conducted hundreds of autopsies at more than twenty camps, they did not find a single body showing signs of gas poisoning. None have been found since, at any camp.
No Zyklon B was found in the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Treblinka when tests were conducted in 1991 by the Polish government under the close supervision of the Jewish museum curator. The Nazis supposedly tossed Zyklon, a commercial insecticide used for disinfection into the camps, to kill the Jews. The problem with this scenario is that a surreptitious video interview with the Director of the Auschwitz Museum revealed to the world that the chutes were installed by the Russians after the war.
The Encyclopedia Britannica in its 1963 edition states that 2,000,000 people, mostly Jews, were exterminated by the Nazis in Mauthausen, a concentration camp in Austria. This absurd figure has been officially revised quite a lot. Now it is claimed that only 95,000 people died in Mauthausen, of which only 14,000 were Jews. An exaggeration of 1,905,000! After WW II a plague memorialized the deaths of 4,000,000 at Auschwitz. The plaque was replaced by one that reduced the total number of deaths to 1,500,000. But the six million total for Jewish victims of the Holohoax was not affected. A 1,905,000 reduction from Mauthausen plus a 2,500,000 reduction from Auschwitz did not change the total of 6 million. In 1990 the Auschwitz State Museum officially revised the death toll from 4,000,000 down to 1.1 million, of which 960,000 are claimed to be Jews. Russia released old Soviet files taken from Auschwitz further reduced the total deaths at that camp to 69,000. A report from the International Red Cross Tracing Service that tallied a total of 262,077 German concentration camp victims. Main cause of death: Typhus.
Obviously, the 6 million figure has mythic significance. The same figure was used in WW I against the Kaiser and against the czar prior to the war claiming in both cases that 6 million Jews were in peril. In 1897 a “Science of Religion” American magazine, claims nearly six million Jews were killed in the Bar Kokhba revolt 132-136 AD. Wikipedia says that act of war against Rome led to half a million Jewish deaths.
The Jews need to set the record straight about why they were in peril throughout history. In ancient Cyrene (modern Libya) the Jews massacred 220,000 innocent civilians. On the island of Cyprus there was no large Roman garrison so the Jews were able to kill 240,000 unarmed men, women and children. They drank their blood, ate their flesh and made belts from their intestines. Clearly their behavior taught the ancient world to hate the Jews long before the Catholic church became the established religion of the Roman Empire. In fact whenever the Jews poisoned a well or ritually murdered a young boy and drank his blood, the Catholic church protected the Jews.
The Donmeh cult were crypto Jews of Turkey who in name only practiced Islam. The Donmeh formed the Young Turks movement and with the help of the Rothschilds successfully revolted against the Sultan in 1908. In 1915 the Jews of Turkey massacred 1.5 million Armenians plus 250,000 Greek and Syrian Christians.
After the Jews took over Russia, they killed 350,000 priests. They also allowed their secret police to rape over half a million young Russian girls to death. They killed over 60,000,000 in their concentration camps. The Jews starved 10,000,000 to death in the Ukraine.
During the African slave trade the Jews killed millions of Africans. When Americans gave refuge to the Jews, the Jewish distillers and traders sold liquor to the Indians who routinely killed white settlers while drunk. Then the soldiers and the settlers would kill the Indians. This went on for almost 2 centuries. In the Opium wars the Jews killed millions of Chinese if you count the heroin related deaths. And even today Russian Jewish criminals traffick most of the 250,000 women and children kidnapped each year for the sex slave trade, Many of those women and children are killed in snuff films.
In 1942 a Jewish woman in Palestine asked an Arab neighbor to hide her 12 year-old daughter if the Germans took over their village. Her Arab neighbor said yes. Compare this behavior to Jewish Irgun terrorists who ruthlessly slaughtered Arab women and babies, then mutilated their corpses in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin. In the course of two years Zionist Jews obliterated 419 Arab villages and built Jewish settlements in their place. This process of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their own homeland by Jews continues to this very day.
Contrast the above proven and known atrocities committed by Jews to the Holohoax. There was never any physical evidence of the Holohoax. No bodies, no murder weapons (‘gas chambers’), no documents, no photographs, no intercepted communications. The Russians originally charged the Germans with using steam chambers to kill Jews at Auschwitz. The Russians also falsely charged that the Nazis were responsible for the massacre of Polish officers and intellectuals at Katyn which was a Soviet crime. So where did all of the Holohoax evidence originate?
Soviet propagandists Ilya Ehrenburg and Vassily Grossman wrote The ‘Black Book’. The original book, published in the 40’s, had an appropriately all black cover. The current edition is 579 pages of pure phantasmagoria. Four bodies with hacked-off extremities, could be placed in the furnace at a time. It took fifteen minutes to burn four bodies (550 degrees Fahrenheit or 287.8 Celsius), and so with all furnaces working round the clock it was possible to burn 1,920 bodies in twenty-four hours. Taking into account the great quantities of bones discovered all over the camp, the committee of experts believes that bones were taken out of the furnaces before they could be completely consumed, and therefore, in fact, many more than 1,920 bodies were burned in twenty-four hours.”
Even school children had problems making sense of these Soviet Jewish tales. 4 million bodies could not have been cremated even if it were possible to dispose of 1,920 bodies a day for 1,400 days. Elie Wiesel in his book Night and Miklos Nyiszli in Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account claimed that 5,000 Jews a day were burned in an outdoor open pit at Auschwitz. When the CIA released OSS aerial photos of Auschwitz with neither open pit fires nor smoke coming from the crematoria chimneys, Elie Wiesel said on ABC TV News that the Nazis must have burned bodies only at night with no mention of open pit burning. The US Department of Homeland Security has bought industrial size incinerators to burn million of American bodies just in case ‘someone’ releases a plague to kill us.
David Irving told us he bothered to check the operating manuals published by the manufacturer of the crematoria at Auschwitz. Each body would require 60 kilograms of coke and coal to cremate it. The Holohoaxers allege that at the end of the war 450,000 Hungarian Jews were gassed and cremated at Auschwitz. That would have required (60 X 450,000) or 27,000,000 kilograms of coke and coal. That and the smoke from the ovens should have been visible to those US Army Air Corp reconnaissance photos. But neither were visible. Remember that Wiesel had been asked why there was no smoke in the air recon photos. He told ABC TV News that the Nazis probably only burned bodies at night. But night burning to be true the coke and coal had to be delivered after dark as well. This gets harder and harder to believe.
Please also remember that the inmates were working converting coal into gas for the German Army.
Elie Wiesel testified in a court of law in San Francisco that he still had the tattoo number A7713 on his left arm. Yet I have seen photos of him in short sleeves with no tattoo at all. Mr Wiesel is obviously a liar.
I recently received a letter from a Jew who tried to lower the number killed in gas chambers but raise the number found in mass graves of Jews killed by the 1,500 members of the Einstatzgruppen. Mass graves of Christians killed by Jewish Communists have been found but few Jewish bodies were ever found. The Jewish Virtual Library has an explanation. They said the Nazis poured gasoline (which in WW II was a scarce item on the Russian front) on the bodies of the Jews which made the ashes, bones, bullets and other artifacts disappear. Bones are not evaporated by gasoline fires. And fires create ashes. None of these Holohoax stories make a lot of sense. It is only the threat of ostracism that allows them to be sold.
I had a Russian Jewish friend who told me that in the 1930s the Jews used to call the secret police and inform on Christian neighbors telling the police they had evidence of them having Bibles and saying prayers. They knew such accusations would get their neighbors killed. My Jewish friend told me the police would laugh and tell them they knew about those people. They explained that they had simply run past their quota and would get those Christians in a month or two. Apparently, real genocides take time and effort and do not occur as a result of magic.
Many critics have examined Jewish population figures from before and after the war. The World Almanac says there were 8,939,608 Jews in Europe before the war and 9,372,666 after the Holohoax. These figures do not reflect the millions of Jews who fled to America and to Israel after the war.
The Luxembourg Agreement forced the West German government to pay reparations to Jewish “Holocaust survivors” who died before the West German compensation law (BEG) was enacted in 1953 or before it really became effective in 1956 did not include Jews living in the Soviet Union. And the Atlanta Journal and Constitution stated in 1985 that about half of the Jewish “survivors” in the world have never received reparations money number of successful claims was 4,344,378 80 percent, or 3.5 million, of the 4.344 million claims were from Jews. Not much evidence of a Jewish population loss.
Churchill’s Second World War does not mention Nazi ‘gas chambers,’ a ‘genocide’ of the Jews, or of ‘six million’ Jewish victims of the war. Ditto for Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill’s Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle’s three-volume Memoirs is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages there is no mention either of Nazi ‘gas chambers,’ a ‘genocide’ of the Jews, or of ‘six million’ Jewish victims of the war.”
Contrast the Holohoax to Eisenhower’s treatment of the Germans after WW II. Ike who was Jewish put German POWs and others ranging in age from 13 to their 80s into camps. They had no tents or buildings. The Germans were kept inside fences with no shelter from the cold, the wind, the rain, the snow, the heat and the sun with little or no food. Eisenhower ordered anyone who fed the starving men shot. A million men died in a year. 58 million people died in World War II. To only remember the Jewish dead and to claim their suffering was ‘special’ is to say that we are not real human and that only Jews are human.
Edmund Husserl who was Jewish said that a paranoid only feels his pain and never feels the pain he inflicted on others. I always felt he was describing self-appointed Jewish leaders. Jewish people know their leaders are insane. Gentiles must learn that fact too. I have met many Jewish people who told me they do not believe in the Holohoax. Many Jewish people have told us they believe 911 was an Inside Job. But few have said Israel did 911. Think of the pure insanity of a small nation that would attack the world’s last Super Power. Israeli leaders and the Jewish bankers of New York and London want America to attack Iran so there will be a world war and the United States will lose. These men are insane. Do not believe their lies. They will destroy the world. They are too hate filled to survive.
Lessons Learned From The Holohoax. On 911 we believed the Jewish media, the Zionists and the Israelis when they said the Muslims did it. Jewish lies were used to convince America and NATO to wage war against Iraq and Afghanistan killing millions of innocent people while wasting trillions of dollars for Jewish whims and fantasies.
No one group of men should have so much power that they can force tens of millions of people if not billions to die for their fantasies.
The Holohoax is still being used to justify war with Iran and the continuing occupation of Palestine. If you think World War III is a Really Bad Idea, you have no choice but to expose the lies of the Holohoax and 911. If denying the Holohoax is a crime in your country, then concentrate on 911. We are gathering new converts every day. We have friends in the military and the police. We will win. They will lose.